Case study: SBB x Voi – Incentivising intermodal and zero emission transport in Switzerland

Apr 23, 2021

Improving convenience, parking and access to sustainable mobility are key ways to support car alternatives and Zero Emission Areas. Voi and SBB joined forces in Zurich, Bern and Basel to do just that and the results so far show MaaS (Mobility as a Service) integration and incentivisation can be great tools to support a behavior shift and safe adoption of new modes. The Yumuv app offers an all-in-one platform where people can access all types of shared vehicles and public transit, finding the best suited mode for each trip.

Aim: Supporting zero emission transport

Voi is a leading micromobility provider delivering carbon neutral shared mobility to over 50 cities across Europe. SBB, Switzerland’s national railway company, is often ranked among the best and most frequented European public transport providers and focuses heavily on quality, safety and sustainability. The two players partnered up in May 2020 focusing on bridging first and last mile transport to promote net zero transport, with MaaS as a viable alternative to cars.

Scope: Full integration and incentivisation

The partnership aims to deliver a seamless user experience and includes integration on many levels:

  • Platform integration: The MaaS application Yumuv is a one stop shop where users can plan, book and pay for trips with all available modes in one single platform. It currently includes bus, tram, e-bikes, e-scooters and car sharing.
  • Incentivisation & price bundles: Yumuv offers various ticket bundles (prepaid mobility plans), the users decide which one is the best fit for their needs. A bundle includes free minutes and discounts which can be applied to any of the available shared modes, promoting sustainable mobility habits.
  • Parking infrastructure: Micro mobility sharing zones at central stations facilitate availability and seamless switching between modes while promoting responsible parking. Disorderly parking due to lack of dedicated space for micro mobility poses a threat to its safe adoption. Creating space where users can park e-scooters safely and responsibly is just as key as having dedicated space for car parking.
  • Data sharing: Voi shares data with SBB and partners via our MDS API to track progress over time. The project is accompanied by research conducted by ETH Zurich.

Impact: intermodality, convenience and orderly parking

Over the past year, Voi and SBB have taken a data driven approach, supported by ETH researchers, to understand the impact of the collaboration on modal shift and behavioral change.

  • Enhancing intermoda use and modal shift: 63% of our Swiss users report combining their Voi ride with public transport, a higher rate compared to other cities. Surveys indicate that 10% of rides directly replace car trips in Zurich. This rate in turn is lower than in other cities but is linked to the transport ecosystem which has a comparably low car share at 30%. Through reciprocal data sharing, SBB and Voi are analysing trip patterns to design the right offering at the right time and place and improve modal shift.
  • Promoting affordable zero emission transport: The bundles, free minutes and discounts ensure the multimodal trips remain affordable, serving a wide user base.
  • Parking spots: Data shows that parking infrastructure improves responsible parking. 50% of users park in or near the hubs. Our data show a 65% increase in responsible parking behaviour in the designated locations. Racks also provided the added benefit of finding e-scooters more easily making the service more reliable and convenient for users, strengthening car alternatives.

Championing flexibility and zero emission transport to support a green recovery

Ensuring users have affordable and convenient access to car alternatives as we come out of lock-down will be key to ensuring a green recovery. Voi is committed to support SBB and Zurich, Bern and Basel by providing safe, flexible and affordable mobility options that can serve communities as they start moving again. Flexible pricing and incentivisation structures that adapts to the changing needs of customers are key for fostering sustainable mobility habits and support further intermodal use. Voi’s climate neutral service will support SBB’s goal to be climate neutral by 2030 and Switzerland national target to reach net zero by 2050.

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