Voi Technology

Städer för människor - med minskade utsläpp, lägre ljudnivåer och ett Europa utan trafikstockning.


Vi är Voi. Vi föddes i Sverige, där massor av smarta människor, företag och kända idéer kommer från. Som Nobelpriset, Pacemakern, ABBA och några obskyra filmer från sjuttiotalet. Ni vet vilka vi menar.

Och så vi då såklart. Redan från start har vi trott på frihet. Tankefrihet, yttrandefrihet och friheten att röra sig obegränsat i städer.

Vi tror på städer där människorna kan röra sig fritt och på sina egna villkor. Utan vare sig trängsel, motorbuller eller luftföroreningar. Och för att ta oss dit använder vi avancerad teknik som vi gjort tillgänglig för alla.

Vi gör städer för människor. Det betyder att vi gör allt för att du ska kunna ta dig till och från jobbet, bridgeklubben, skolan eller var du nu brukar hänga - i tystnad och utan fossila bränslen. Vi vill att du ska uppleva din egen stad, eller en helt ny, på ett roligt sätt. Så hoppa på och ta en åktur!

For riders

Voi makes city travel convenient by offering best-in-class shared electric vehicles accessible on-demand through our Voi app.

Simply locate a nearby e-scooter or e-bike using the in-app map, scan the QR code on the handlebar with your phone to unlock the vehicle, and start exploring the city with ease and freedom.

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For towns & cities

Voi works hand in hand with city officials and organisations to solve city pain points, providing customised solutions that address the specific transportation needs and opportunities in your area.

Our approach has established Voi as a trusted and reliable partner to cities, proven by our position as the operator with the most scooters in licensed and tendered programs across Europe.

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Our journey so far


Voi was founded in Stockholm by Fredrik Hjelm, Adam Jafer, Filip Lindvall, and Douglas Stark as Europe's pioneering e-scooter operator. Since day one, our Swedish heritage has driven our commitment to traffic safety, great parking solutions, operational efficiency, and providing an affordable, accessible mode of transportation for all.


Voi launched e-scooters in 40+ European towns and cities and reached 1 million rides across all markets. To improve rider safety, we created RideSafe Academy (previously called RideLikeVoila) - the first-ever online traffic school for electric scooters. To further improve our operational excellence, we introduced swappable batteries, reducing energy consumption and emissions.


In 2020, Voi won a number of ground-breaking e-scooter tenders in several European cities, including exclusive licenses in the majority of the towns & cities participating in the UK's e-scooter trial initiative – solidifying our position as a trusted and reliable partner for cities.

We also introduced several in-app safety features, such as a low-speed mode, a reaction test for night-time riding, and the Voi Pass - a subscription-based pricing model making it more affordable to use Voi as an everyday transportation method.


Voi expanded its mobility offerings by launching its first e-bikes. To continue our innovation, a new generation of e-scooters was introduced, the Voiager 4, featuring turn indicators to increase safety, and improved geo-targeting for more precise parking solutions.

Behind the scenes, we continued improving our cutting-edge operations technology through real-time demand prediction and fleet optimization software powered by machine learning. This ensures our vehicles are utilised to the fullest extent possible and provides riders with the best availability, key factors behind our operational excellence.


In 2022, Voi reached a significant milestone of 100 million rides and the launch of our 100th city. We also unveiled our next-generation vehicle, the Voiager 5, our safest and most durable e-scooter to date. Featuring a highly modular design that simplifies maintenance and facilitates the reuse of parts, the Voiager 5 is built to last, with an extended vehicle lifespan of up to five years.

We continued scaling our “Voi Parking Assistant” product feature across Europe, supporting users to park correctly and rewarding good parking, whilst taking punitive measures for recurring poor parking. Additionally, Voi was able to win re-tenders, for example in France and Denmark, showcasing the trust retendered cities have in Voi.

Models and vehicles

Discover our latest electric bike and scooter models, and learn more about their predecessors.

Explore our range

Safety at the Heart of Voi's Swedish Heritage: Building on the Vision Zero Approach to Road Safety

Safety has been at the forefront of our mission since the very beginning. Our vision is to create cities that prioritise the well-being of its citizens, and safety is an essential component of achieving that goal.

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Micromobility can help reduce carbon emissions in urban areas

By offering alternative modes of transportation and enhancing access to public transportation, micromobility can help cities reach their climate goals. We take a comprehensive approach to minimise our environmental impact and continuously improve our sustainable practices.

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Get to know a few members of Voi Technology's leadership team, responsible for setting the course for our company direction, along with some regional leaders putting it into practice across Europe.

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Delar du vår vision?

Att forma städer utan trafikbuller och luftföroreningar kräver smarta, äventyrliga och modiga människor (och några kontorshundar). Häng med på vår resa, i en av städerna ovan.

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