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How do I use my voucher code?
Dec 16, 2024
Redeeming a voucher is simple! Just open the Voi app menu, go to 'Wallet,' and select 'Add a discount code.'
You have the flexibility to redeem the voucher anytime and use it whenever you prefer. While unlocking a scooter (after scanning it but before tapping 'Unlock'), you can choose which of your redeemed vouchers you want to apply.
If the voucher isn’t working, here are a few things to check:
- Does your voucher have an expiry date? Ensure it's still valid.
- Have you entered the code exactly as it appears, including any uppercase or lowercase letters?
- Is there an accidental extra space in the code?
- Make sure you're using the latest Voi app version.
- Ensure your Voi account has a connected payment method and phone number.
If you're still encountering issues, don't worry! Contact us through the app, and we'll gladly assist you further!