Wear a helmet, get rewarded: Voi launches new Helmet Selfie feature to our app

Dec 9, 2020

Safety isn’t the only s-word for rider protection, well-being, and security — now we can add selfie to that mix. We’ve recently launched an in-app feature that uses AI to determine if a customer is wearing a helmet during an e-scooter ride and then rewards them for good behaviour. The helmet selfie is available across all Voi’s markets.

The helmet selfie uses an image-classifier AI that can instantaneously detect if a rider is wearing a helmet with 95% accuracy. After scanning a scooter to begin their ride, the rider will be prompted to take a selfie, which unlocks the scooter. The rider’s photo is then validated during the ride; if the AI confirms that the rider is wearing a helmet, the rider will get five loyalty points at the end of their ride. (Loyalty points enable riders to receive discounted rides. You can find out more about the Voialty Program in our FAQs.)

The helmet selfie is the latest addition to a lineup of recent launches that encourage responsible riding habits and improve rider safety. Our Reaction Test, in which riders tap a random sequence of helmets as they appear on the screen, aims to discourage drunk riding by getting riders to think twice about scooting if their cognition is impaired. The test automatically takes effect at times of the day when people are most likely to ride under the influence. Beginner’s mode, which caps the e-scooter’s speed at 10 mph (15 km/h), aims to help new riders adjust to riding at a slower pace, so they can feel more comfortable on their scooter.

Safety remains our top priority. The new helmet selfie offering is simply one component of our wider safety strategy, encompassing technological innovations, such as these in-app features, rider education at pop-up safety events, our Ride Like Voila traffic school, and collaboration with local authorities to enforce safe riding behaviour that protects all road riders,” said Fredrik Hjelm, co-founder and CEO of Voi.

Voi believes this multi-pronged approach is the most effective way to keep our riders and communities safe. As demand for e-scooters continues to grow, we keep on working with our city partners to advocate for better road infrastructure and sustainability. We are excited that people are embracing micro-mobility as a form of transport that reduces carbon emissions and traffic congestion in urban areas.”

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