Liverpudlian micromobility mechanic takes girl power to a whole new level at Voi

Oct 4, 2021

Zayna is a vehicle mechanic at Voi’s Liverpool warehouse and a wonderful ambassador for encouraging women to work as mechanics. She is also a self-confessed ‘girly girl’ and not the usual type most people expect to be a mechanic. In our chat with Zayna, read more about how mechanics make our e-scooters roll smoothly and safely, and also why Zayna believes that e-scooters are also great for women travelling in the city.

What do you do on a day to day basis as a vehicle mechanic at Voi?

We have different repairs to do to e-scooters every day, but most of them are quick fixes such as brake tightening or applying new information stickers. However, some of the more complex fixes are on worn out wheels, broken brake cables or repairing loose necks on the scooters. So, it’s a heavy duty job and there’s a lot to do, but it keeps us busy. It’s also very important for us at Voi to ensure that all safety standards are met, so nothing is left uncovered when it comes to maintenance. As a result, my day goes very quickly.

What was your journey to becoming a mechanic? 

Before working for Voi, I was doing mechanics in college, and I have done three years in total. I did two years of Level 3 engineering, which is an extended diploma, and then I went on to do a year of mechanics after that, because I wanted to gain as much experience in the world of engineering as I could. That’s my dream really, to be able to do a bit of everything. I just love the practical work of it.

Have you always been interested in mechanics and how things work? 

Yes, I have. Even from when I was really young I loved fixing mine and my friends’ bikes and e-scooters. I was always the person they would go to if their chain had fallen off or if the brakes needed tightening on the bike and stuff. I love it, it’s very rewarding.

Have you got other projects that you enjoy working on in your own time?

I’ve got my own bike that I am working on at home. It’s just a regular push bike that I bought off the market, but I am making it into an electric bike. I want to fit a motor to it, but my aim is to fit two motors, one on the front wheel and one on the back wheel. But this is just a mechanical project for myself to see if I can do it. Of course, I would have to stick to the 15.5mph speed limit, but I just want to see if I can make it work first.

Why do you think Voi works so well in Liverpool?

I think that the young people in Liverpool are all about trends and I feel that with the e-scooters coming in now, as soon as people see others using them, they also want to have a go. And they have worked so well with people commuting to work and with the NHS staff during the pandemic too. E-scooters have been really successful in Liverpool and I see all kinds of people riding them now.

Do you see women riding them in Liverpool too?

Yes, I think women feel a lot more comfortable on e-scooters than they do on bikes. Also, I think that In Liverpool riding a bike is more of a male thing to do. But I just find them so easy to use and so do other women friends. You don’t have to change what you are wearing either, so you can wear a pair of boots or heels and still ride along, happy as Larry!

Do you or any of your women friends also use Voi e-scooters to feel safe when travelling at night? 

Absolutely. I have lost count of the amount of times I have felt unsafe walking alone. But with the e-scooters you aren’t worrying about who is walking behind you or who is coming towards you and about to pass you. I definitely get a sense of pride when I see another woman riding a Voi e-scooter at night and knowing that she must be feeling the same thing.

What’s the one thing that you tell friends about Voi e-scooters that surprises them?

I think that most of them don’t realise that we offer a Voi 4 Heroes pass, with 75% discount to NHS and emergency workers and, when I tell them that, they think that this is really brilliant.

What do people say when you tell them you are a mechanic? 

It surprises a lot of people and they don’t really expect it. Because I’m a girly girl. I love getting my nails done, my hair done, wearing make-up and dressing up for a night out. But I also love getting my hands dirty – and I think that surprises a lot of people because I don’t come across as the type of girl to become a mechanic really. So, today for example, I have bright blue nails working away on the e-scooters!

Thanks Zayna for taking girl power to a whole new level!

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